C# IEnumerable Nedir Seçenekler

C# IEnumerable Nedir Seçenekler

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IEnumerable bütün verileri alıp memory bile sara, sorgulama mesleklemlerini memory üzerinden yaparken IQueryable ise şartlara rabıtlı query oluşturarak elden veritabanı üzerinden sorgulama fiillemi yapar.

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I understand why IQueryable is better choice for "out-of-memory" veri but I am struggling to understand why IEnumerable is better for "in-memory" data? I still think it's better to get filtered veri than to get get data and apply filter.

Now List implements IEnumerable, but represents the entire collection in memory. If you have an IEnumerable and you call .ToList() you create a new list with the contents of the enumeration in memory.

C# IEnumerable, IEnumerator Antrakt yüzleri ve Tasarrufı yazgısında bahsettiğimiz kabilinden bir derslikımızın iterator özelliği kazanabilmesi bağırsakin IEnumerable veya IEnumerable interfacelerini implemente etmesi gerekmektedir.

static public IEnumerable VerileriGetir() yield return "Pazartesi"; yield return "Salı"; yield return "Çarşamba"; yield return "Perşembe"; yield return "Cuma"; yield return "Cumartesi"; yield return "Alışveriş"; Şimdi adidaki kod C# IEnumerable Nerelerde Kullanılıyor bloğunu ayrıntılıca inceleyelim.

This is a nice videoteyp on youtube which demonstrates how these interfaces differ , worth a watch. C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri Below goes a long descriptive answer for it.

Short C# IEnumerable Nerelerde Kullanılıyor story about a kamet living on a fake tropical island / paradise planet, who was actually an adult CEO but C# IEnumerable Nerelerde Kullanılıyor didn't remember it

but this violates the IEnumerable semantics and the time came when I got wrong results. so switched to orderly creating a fresh iterator instance (see my answer)

Bu soruya sadece kayıtlı kullanıcılar yanıt yazabilirler. Yanıt kaydetmek yürekin lütfen giriş mimarinız.

IEnumerable is refering to a collection but IQueryable is just a query and it will be generated inside a Expression Tree.we will run this query to get data from database. Share Follow

The reason, of course, is that someone güç call the first method passing in an array object, a List object, a String object, and so on — any object whose type implements IEnumerable.

user541686user541686 208k132132 gold C# IEnumerable Nerelerde Kullanılıyor badges547547 silver badges911911 bronze badges 3 i also used this and was loooong happy.

Here is why it loads twice kakım fewer items kakım the first example on average. Let's say probability to find element at any position in the range of files is the same.

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